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Nisaidie Nisome Campaign

Elestina Shipangwa foundation is the regional based organization which is initiated to…

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Executive summary

Elestina Shipangwa foundation is the regional based organization which is initiated to make sure that the society is empowered the lives of the poor families by employing and implementing sustainable programs that improves their life standard now and for the future generation. Also it aims at helping young people to have clear vision about their future lives through provision of education and create awareness to young girls on early marriage and pregnancies especially in the Sukuma land. Furthermore, the foundation initiatives are in line with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (the SDGs) which are the world’s initiatives for improving people’s living in all aspects of life by 2030.

Drawing  from our experience, we understand it takes commitment, creativity, support and cooperation to run different programs patterning to the accomplishment of these SDGs in our communities. Thus the government work hand to hand with other sectors to make sure the goals are achieved as planned.

This made the foundation to think and design the campaign known “Nisaidie Nisome” (assist me study), a campaign that involves assisting young boys and girls who suspend their studies due to various problems and challenges which can be solved out and return them back to school. In our region the most affected group which fail to get excess to education are the girls where are being faced by various challenges which in the real sense some can be eradicated through material assistance, and other by legal help and educating the parents on the necessity of education to their children.

The Nisaidie Nisome campaign will widely communicate in line with quality education, gender equality and good health and wellbeing as described by the SDGs.



The Nisaidie Nisome campaign presents the call to every member of the society to have that sense of helping these young generation to get education which is their fundamental right toward their future life. Thus every health young boy or girl when you meet and have talk to him or her inside his or her heart there is a hidden dream, in return one should be assisted in order to discover the dream inside him or her.

It is the vision of the foundation to have the community that assist her children to receive are quality education by eradicating all substances and circumstances which busters the dreams of these young people, especially in their primary and secondary education.

Situation Analysis

According to the research conducted by the foundation, the good number of girls in Simiyu region, are facing difficulties in their study life due to various challenges such as long distance from home to school, engaging in domestic activities to the extent that they have no extra time for revision after school, early marriage and pregnancies. All these made them not to continue with their school life.

The Nisaidie Nisome campaign will focus on revealing the real life of girls in the region and assist them to get education and at the same time preaching to parents the necessity of education and the importance of giving conducive environment in studying so as girls may attain the right to education.


This campaign aims:

  • Revealing the real life situation concerning the challenge faced by girls in the region which hinders them to receive proper education.
  • Educating the parents and the community at large on the necessity of allowing their children to go to school.
  • Assisting girls to receive education through providing them with all requirement needed by them so as to build in them capacity to claim their right to education and even reporting all kind of abuses which hinder them to get education.
  • To give the Menstrual Health and Hygiene Management (MHHM) and the Sexual Reproductive Health Rights to girls so as to create a conducive environment for girls to complete their education.



Long Term Impact.

Help the foundation so as to achieve the goal of the campaign in the region. Especially the young girls living in the remote areas.

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